报告题目:Intuitive applications of network coding——Tactics for application exploration & for efficient computation
腾讯会议ID:288 240 323

主讲人介绍:李硕彦创立网络编码理论、代数交换理论 以及模式鞅。其专长为 “数学与工程的对话”,“科教文艺” 系列中有三本专著,寓科教于文艺。
李教授于1974年获UC Berkeley数学博士。1974-76年任教于M.I.T.,1976-79年于UI Chicago。其后十年于Bell Labs/Bellcore研究交换系统、通信理论与计算理论。 1989-2014年任香港中文大学信息工程讲座教授,并曾兼任数学礼任教授,也是网络编码研究所的第一位所长。李硕彦教授从香港中文大学退休后,现任电子科技大学Distinguished University Professor以及Li Institute of Mathematical Technology所长。
李教授同时也是西安电子科技大学、哈尔滨工程大学、电子科技大学、西南交通大学、厦门大学诸校的终身名誉教授、香港中文大学荣休讲座教授、中国教育部创新引智 "111计划" 高等智能与网络服务基地的学术大师。早年曾受聘为澳门银银河4936、北京大学、国立清华大学、台湾大学各类荣誉性质教授。曾获得IEEE信息论学会 2005年度论文奖、IEEE 2016 Sumner Award、中国电子学会2017海外杰出华人科学家奖、ACM SIGMOBILE 2018 Test-of-Time Paper Award、四次台湾工研院 (ITRI) 优质专利奖。目前拥有35项美国专利和7项中国专利。
报告内容简介:Network coding (NC) brings a paradigm shift in data transport. The linear-algebraic theory of NC guarantees the best possible throughput. Linearity makes the hardware/software implementation feasibly fast for practical applications, including wireless communications, redundant storage, P2P content delivery, IC layout, security, optical communications, sensor networks, etc. The Butterfly Network provides an illustrative example for most of these applications. The present talk is on intuitive ideas behind various applications of NC and highlights two new aspects. First, a systematic tactic is provided for exploring new applications of NC. The second is about computational efficiency. NC theory structures the ensemble of data units as a finite field. Calculation in coding/decoding thus involves the cyclotomic polynomial. For efficiency, complicated fields should be avoided. Often the ensemble of data units can be algebraically structured as the integer ring rather than a field. A ring offers the operations of addition, subtraction and multiplication, but not division, which is crucial in decoding however. This deficiency can be circumvented by ways of achieving the objective of division directly.