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发布日期:2016-06-20     点击量:


应澳门银银河4936马华东教授的邀请,美国纽约州立大学Kui REN教授、日本会津大学Song GUO教授、加拿大迪肯大学Shui YU博士将于623日来澳门银银河4936作学术报告。欢迎校内广大师生踊跃参加。


讲座题目(一):Towards Secure Search over Large Encrypted Datasets


主讲人:Prof. Kui REN (IEEE Fellow, University at Buffalo, State University of New York)




内容摘要:Various large datasets are being constantly generated, collected, and stored by organizations of all sizes today. Along with the growing data is the increasing amount of private and sensitive information that must be carefully managed and properly secured. Traditional approaches for securing the data by encryption usually fall short of fulfilling the purpose, as they naturally prevent any meaningful operations, in particular searching capability over the encrypted data. On the other hand, supporting fast and versatile search for effective information retrieval is indispensable when working with any large datasets, and it has been ubiquitously demanded in almost every big data storage system today. In this talk, we will survey encrypted search designs that have received wide attentions recently for their potential to address the fundamental conflict between encrypted data storage and search. Among the wide range of literature in this area, we will introduce and carefully examine a number of noteworthy designs as well as some of our own early research efforts, with focus on their tradeoffs among functionality, efficiency, and security. We will also illustrate some remaining challenging issues that are currently hindering the deployment of encrypted search over large datasets in practice. Finally, we will discuss some possible solution directions to tackle the challenges.

个人简介:Kui REN is a professor of Computer Science and Engineering and the director of UbiSeC Lab at State University of New York at Buffalo. He received his PhD degree from Worcester Polytechnic Institute. Kui's current research interest spans Cloud & Outsourcing Security, Wireless & Wearable Systems Security, and Mobile Sensing & Crowdsourcing. His research has been supported by NSF, DoE, AFRL, MSR, and Amazon. He received UB SEAS Senior Researcher of the Year Award in 2015, Sigma Xi/IIT Research Excellence Award in 2012, and NSF CAREER Award in 2011. Kui has published 160 peer-review journal and conference papers and received several Best Paper Awards including IEEE ICNP 2011. He currently serves as an associate editor for IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, IEEE Wireless Communications, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, and IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid. Kui is a Fellow of IEEE, a Distinguished Lecturer of IEEE, a member of ACM, and a past board member of Internet Privacy Task Force, State of Illinois.  


讲座题目(二):Protection of Big Data Privacy

主讲人:Prof. Song GUOSenior member of IEEE, a senior member of ACM, University of Aizu, Japan




个人简介:Song GUO received the PhD degree in computer science from the University of Ottawa, Canada. He is currently a full professor at the University of Aizu, Japan. His research interests are mainly in the areas of wireless network, cloud computing, big data, and cyber-physical system. He has authored/edited 7 books and over 300 papers in refereed journals and conferences in these areas. He serves/served in editorial boards of IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing, IEEE Communications Magazine, Wireless Networks, Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, and many other major journals. He has been the general/program chair or in organizing committees of numerous international conferences. Dr. Guo is a senior member of IEEE, a senior member of ACM, and an IEEE Communications Society Distinguished Lecturer.


讲座题目(三):Cybersecurity: Today and Tomorrow

主讲人:Dr. Shui YUSMIEEE, School of Information Technology, Deakin University




内容摘要:Cyberspace is now a critical battle ground for attacks and defences at personal and national level. However, cybersecurity is a mainly uncharted territory, and we have far more questions than answers from applications all the way to theories. In this talk, we firstly report the work we have done about attack and defence in cyberspace. Secondly, we present the problems and challenges that we are facing, e.g., big data security and privacy, and discuss the possible directions in the fields.

个人简介:Shui YU is currently a Senior Lecturer of School of Information Technology, Deakin University. He is a member of Deakin University Academic Board (2015-2016), a Senior Member of IEEE, and a member of AAAS and ACM, the vice chair of Technical Subcommittee on Big Data Processing, Analytics, and Networking of IEEE Communication Society, and a member of IEEE Big Data Standardization Committee.

Dr Yu’s research interest includes Security and Privacy in Networking, Big Data, and Cyberspace, and mathematical modelling. He has published two monographs and edited two books, more than 150 technical papers, including top journals and top conferences, such as IEEE TPDS, IEEE TC, IEEE TIFS, IEEE TMC, IEEE TKDE, IEEE TETC, and IEEE INFOCOM. Dr Yu initiated the research field of networking for big data in 2013. His h-index is 22.

Dr Yu actively serves his research communities in various roles. He is currently serving the editorial boards of IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials, IEEE Access, and a number of other international journals. He has served more than 70 international conferences as a member of organizing committee, such as publication chair for IEEE Globecom 2015, IEEE INFOCOM 2016 and 2017, TPC co-chair for IEEE Big Data Service 2015, IEEE ATNAC 2014 and 2015.







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